Belles éclaircies
Max : 26°
Min : 15°
Open pistes:
0 / 28
Ski in ski out
Snow cover
at top of ski area: 80cm to 1789m
at bottom of ski area 60cm to 1100m

The resort

  • Location: Northern Alps, Isère
  • Opening: from 23/12/2017 to 18/03/2018
  • Altitude: 1100 m
  • Runs: 33 km

In winter

Authentic mountain village located in the regional natural park of Chartreuse, St Pierre de Chartreuse meets your wishes for relaxation and quietness. In this peace haven, you will find everything for your normal daily needs : shops include bakery, cheese shop, butchers, sports shops, pleasant bars, restaurants and accomodation open all the year. You will of course be able to many activities and discover the cultural and hereditary richness that are presnted to you in somes brochures. You can practice ski, cross country skiing, snowshoes...

In summer

Authentic mountain village located in the regional natural park of Chartreuse, St Pierre de Chartreuse meets your wishes for relaxation and quietness. In this peace haven, you will find everything for your normal daily needs : shops include bakery, cheese shop, butchers, sports shops, pleasant bars, restaurants and accomodation open all the year. You will of course be able to many activities and discover the cultural and hereditary richness that are presnted to you in somes brochures. You can practice hiking, climbing, training, first flight...
Information mise à jour le 24/07/2017 par la station

Weather forecast


Temperature: 15°/26°


Temperature: 12°/22°


Temperature: 12°/21°

Snow report

Last snowfall 27/11/2021
Snow cover:
at top of ski area: 80cm to 1789m
at bottom of ski area 60cm to 1100m
Ski area open down to the resort:
Snow quality:
Avalanche risk:
Niveau 1-2
Ski area
Ski area link:
Nordic activities
Kilometres of cross-country tracks
70 Km
Kilomètres de pistes de skating :
70 Km
Snow shoe paths accessible:
33 Km
General information
Road conditions
Equipements spéciaux OBLIGATOIRES

Ski area


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